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Self Portrait (2)


1930, 畫布油彩, 41×31.5cm

oil on canvas





    Chen Cheng-po beams with self-confidence; behind him, Chinese hibiscus flowers bloom in brilliant summer colors. Within the world of oil painting, the 35-year-old artist had found an ideal mode of self-expression.






    When Chen moved from Japan to Shanghai, his artistic career entered a new stage. In Shanghai, he found new subject matter for landscape paintings and absorbed the fundamental concepts and techniques of traditional Chinese painting. The confidence and anticipation he then felt for the future is perhaps visible in this self-portrait.











    Self-portraits constitute an important tradition in Western art and are often used to communicate an artist’s personality and outlook on life. By the end of the 19th century, Japanese artists who had studied in Europe and specialized in Western-style painting brought this tradition to the Tokyo Fine Arts School, setting off a self-portrait trend. As a result, most of the school’s Taiwanese graduates left behind such works.





The look in his eyes





    While in Shanghai, Chen had discovered a completely new way of contemplating art and a new artistic path to pursue. This perhaps explains why his expression in this work appears much more affable and relaxed than in his 1928 self-portrait; his gaze is also much clearer and more luminous. As he looks calmly to his right, the viewer can’t help but wonder what has captured his attention.






    In his 1928 self-portrait, Chen’s demeanor is visibly despondent; the color palate of the painting also feels relatively dark and melancholic.

    Self Portrait (1), 1928, oil on canvas, 41 x 31.5 cm





Coat and woolen hat





    Chen’s winter coat, trimmed with a white fur-lined collar, and his dark woolen hat suggest that this painting was completed during a cold Shanghai winter. In a 1931 photo, Chen and his family are seen dressed in thick winter clothes with warm woolen hats similar to the one worn by Chen in his 1930 self-portrait.






Chinese hibiscus blossoms




    Although Chen appears dressed for winter, the Chinese hibiscus flowers in the background give the painting a southern touch. The colorful blossoms allude to the artist’s southern roots and enhance the painting’s overall feeling of vitality. In both surviving self-portraits, Chen embellished the background with patterns rich in tropical imagery, offering the viewer an intriguing detail to ponder.





Postcard collection





    Within Chen’s painting style, a strong Post-Impressionist influence can be felt. He probably even studied the self-portraits of Vincent van Gogh and Paul Cézanne when creating his own. Indeed, an image of one of Cézanne’s self-portraits was found among Chen’s collection of postcards. Can’t you see a striking similarity, especially in the expression, between Cézanne’s self-portrait and Chen’s?





Self-portrait with White Turban





Thick lips





    Taking note of his plump, rosy-red lips, Chen portrayed this distinctive feature with bright, eye-catching hues. In a self-portrait a few years earlier, fellow painter and friend Liao Chi-chun had deliberately accentuated the fullness of his own scarlet lips. Perhaps when these two pioneers of Taiwanese art studied their reflections, it was to their lips that they paid the most attention!





Liao Chi-chun, Self-portrait, 1926, oil on wood, 32 x 24 cm

寥継春,『自画像』,1926,木板 油彩,32x24cm

